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Volunteer Opportunities

​We recognize that many people were unable to fulfill their volunteer requirements with our year-end carnival suddenly cancelled and the skating season cut short. While there are so many unknowns in the world today, MBSC Board members are waiting for further direction from Skate Ontario and the bingo association before we can release new volunteer opportunities to give everyone a chance to be reimbursed. Thank you for your patience as we sort through these final details.

MBSC truly misses all of our skaters and hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. We hope to see everyone again next season. Fall registration will open later this summer, stay tuned for more information.

Each family is responsible to work 1 Bingo for each skater to a maximum of 2 Bingos.

The bingo or volunteer hours can be paid out at a rate of $150.00 per event.

The revenue from our bingos are a huge part of our annual budget, allowing us to keep our cost low.

All of our club events and activities rely on the support of parents and the community.  Please support our club and your skaters at our Christmas Pop Concert, Theme Days, and Carnival.  We thank you in advance for all of your support.

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